Eating Recovery Counseling in Ann Arbor, MI

Heal from your harsh inner critic, find food freedom, & learn to thrive.


“I am struggling in my relationships because I am scared to eat”

“I don’t feel comfortable in my body and need to stay small”

“My world feels controlled by food or the need to get rid of it”

“I don’t know why it is so hard for me to love my body or myself”

Recovery does not mean you are putting your life on hold or that you are ignoring your responsibilities. Recovery means you are giving yourself a chance to hold on to your life so you can keep living it. I know it seems like you are climbing a mountain right now without any gear or tools to help you, but with a supportive treatment team you can start to make your way over that mountain with confidence and purpose.

Healing our relationship with food and our body can be a long journey with a lot of ups and downs, some twists and turns and sometimes starting over a few times before getting it right.

Recovery is more than just learning how to eat to nourish your body,

  • it is about discovering yourself and understanding what this eating disorder is helping you cope with.

  • It is about learning to offer yourself compassion to love yourself and figure out who you are without this harsh inner critic that feels so controlling.

  • Recovery is about the food, but it isn’t at the same time. It is so much more!

Recovery & healing is not always linear, but that is also the rewarding part of it. Through this process you will learn so much about yourself while you are in the middle of it. It is scary, confusing, complicated and time consuming. But you know what recovery also is? It is beautiful and freeing as you learn to see the world in a whole new perspective and live life with purpose and joy.


I’m here to support you through this change.

“Intense pain often pushed me to make changes. The pain of the eating disorder pushed me into recovering from eating-disordered behaviors, and then the emotional turmoil I experienced without those behaviors (not knowing how to cope with perfectionism, feelings, and life in general) took me even further, so that I ultimately found serenity.”

— Jenni Schaefer

Eating recovery counseling to help you move forward in life to find purpose and joy

The journey towards healing is never easy, but it is something that’s possible with the right support. Eating recovery counseling is a path towards uncovering the root of your struggles and working towards a place of self-compassion.

By tapping into your inner strength and resilience, you can recover and find purpose and joy in your life. At the root of this process is self-compassion and the understanding that you are worthy of love and care, even at your most vulnerable moments. You will hear me say in sessions over and over again the powerful impact of self-compassion and grace for yourself as you navigate this process.

Recovery might seem scary, of course it is, maybe you have not been here before and have no clue what to expect. Maybe you tried it before but it didn’t work or you are falling back into old habits. Either way, this is an opportunity to embrace your true potential and reclaim the joys in your life.

What we’ll work on:

  • Understand what my eating disorder is and how it is affecting me

  • Build a treatment team for my specific needs

  • Learn coping skills to face fears while feeling safe and connected

  • Understand how to regulate my emotions and challenge my harsh inner critic with healthy thoughts patterns and behaviors

  • Recognize my worth, strengths, values, and embrace self acceptance

  • Process the underlying concerns while creating space to find peace and move forward


What others have wondered about eating disorder recovery

  • Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that can impact a person's physical and emotional wellbeing. There are several different kinds of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, leading to severe restrictions on food intake and often extreme weight loss. Bulimia nervosa involves a cycle of binge-eating followed by purging through self-induced vomiting, laxative use, or excessive exercise. Binge-eating disorder also involves consuming large amounts of food, but without purging afterward. Other disorders include, orthorexia; a fixation with healthy eating or exercising. Lastly, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder involves a persistent avoidance of certain foods or food groups, leading to a lack of essential nutrients in the diet.

  • There are a variety of treatments available to help those who suffer from eating disorders. One of the most common approaches is psychotherapy, which involves working with a mental health professional to explore the underlying issues that contribute to the disorder and develop coping strategies to manage behaviors and emotions. In addition, medication may be prescribed to manage symptoms such as anxiety or depression. Nutritional counseling is also a key component of treatment, as it can help individuals establish a healthy relationship with food and develop a balanced meal plan with nutritional counseling. Working with a trusted medical provider is also essential to monitor any medical conditions, lab work, and vitals. Finally, inpatient or outpatient treatment programs may be recommended for those who require more intensive care. With the right support and treatment, individuals with eating disorders can learn to manage their symptoms and reclaim their lives.

    My services are considered outpatient psychotherapy services. So we will focus on individual therapy sessions. I also provide group psychotherapy and meal support sessions as well, if that is something that comes up that may be helpful for you and your treatment plan!

  • When it comes to eating disorder recovery, having a treatment team is crucial for success. Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that require a comprehensive approach to treatment, including medical, nutritional, and psychological components. Without a team of professionals working together, it can be challenging to address all the different aspects of an individual's eating disorder and provide the appropriate level of care. Additionally, a treatment team can provide valuable support and guidance throughout the recovery process, helping clients to navigate challenges and setbacks and move forward towards a healthy, fulfilling life. By working with a treatment team, individuals with eating disorders can access a range of resources and expertise, increasing their chances of achieving lasting recovery.

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.

“Recovery is about making room for the real me to exist.” - Jenni Schaefer

It is okay to be brave enough to break your own heart with self-love. Every small win is a step in the right direction, and you are doing amazing! Keep going, you got this!

You do not need to have go through this alone, reach out for support.